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1. There is______ river beside my hometown.______river is so clear that you can see lots of fish swimming in it.( )

A.a;A B.a;The C.the;A D.the;The


2. Li Gang is going to stay in the USA for a month.He decides to take every_______ to practice speaking English.( )

A.point B.advice C.chance D.exercise


3. My sister is only three years old.She can't take care of_______.( )

A.her B.herself C.myself D.himself


4. ﹣I still have a lot of problems living in this city.

﹣Don't worry.I'll help you______them.( )

A.cause B.choose C.solve D.answer


5. The sun shines us______ the window.( )

A.by B.on C.in D.through


6. ﹣﹣ How hard you are working, Helen!