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钱学森,1911年生于上海,1935年赴美留学,成绩优异,受到当时的著名科学家冯·卡门(Von Karman)的赞誉;1938年在美国获航空、数学博士学位;1950年获悉新中国成立的消息,克服了美国政府的百般阻挠,于1955年回到祖国;从1958年起长期担任航空航天研究工作,为新中国的航天事业做出了巨大的贡献,被誉为“中国航天之父”;2009年于北京去世。

参考词汇:航空航天科学技术aerospace science and technology



Qian Xuesen, regarded as the father of China's space program, was born in 1911 in Shanghai. In 1935, Qian went to America for further study and was highly thought of by Von Karman because of his great achievements. In 1938, he obtained (获得) his doctor's degree in aerospace science and mathematics in the US. In 1950, he heard New China had been founded and succeeded in returning to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. Since 1958 he had been devoted to aerospace science and contributed a lot to the cause of China's aerospace. In 2009, he passed away in Beijing. Because of the love for his country and the great achievements, he has received the respect and admiration from people.








①被认为是…… be regarded as

②生于…… be born in

2.1935年赴美留学,成绩优异,受到当时的著名科学家冯·卡门(Von Karman)的赞誉。

①赴美留学 go to America for further study

②受到赞誉 be highly thought of


①成功回到祖国 succeed in returning to his homeland

②全身心地投入到…… be devoted to

③做出巨大贡献 contribute a lot to


①由于 because of/as a result of

②受到……热爱和尊敬 receive the respect and admiration


Qian Xuesen, regarded as the father of China's space program, was born in 1911 in Shanghai. In 1935, Qian went to America for further study and was highly thought of by Von Karman because of his great achievements. In 1938, he obtained (获得) his doctor's degree in aerospace science and mathematics in the US. In 1950, he heard New China had been founded and succeeded in returning to his homeland in 1955 though the American government tried to stop him. Since 1958 he had been devoted to aerospace science and contributed a lot to the cause of China's aerospace. In 2009, he passed away in Beijing. Because of the love for his country and the great achievements, he has received the respect and admiration from people.




录入时间:2021-03-19 08:42:19