师梦圆 [VIP精品资料介绍] 课件教案试卷说课
首页 > 知识点总结 > 高中英语





  be threatened with extinction濒临灭绝

  global warming 全球(气候)变暖


  climate change气候变化

  pay debts缴付债款

  white pollution白色污染

  the protection of the environment环境保护

  oil erosion水土流失

  air pollution空气污染

  our earth, our habitat, our home我们的地

  environmental degradation环境恶化

  endangered animals濒危动物

  only one earth, care and share只有一个地---一起关心,共同分享

  a food chain食物链


  nature conservation自然保护

  environment friendly环保的

  save our sea拯救我们的海洋

  water: vital resources for life 水:生命的重要源泉

  develop renewable resource开发可再生资源

  conserve natural habitats保护天然栖息地

  the variety of life forms生命种类的多样性

  conserve energy节能

  bring. .. to extinction使 .....灭绝

  contribute to有助于

  come to an end结束

  hold/keep sth. in check控制

  prey on/upon捕食

  have an impact on对.....有影响

  die out灭绝


  under threat受到威胁


  1. Many people worry that our energy will run out if we use it in an unchecked way.


  2. The energy, if developed, could completely replace conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortages.


  3. Do remember forests can supply us with wood, oxygen, clean water, good weather and good harvests. To destroy forests is to destroy the Earth on which we live.

  切记森林能给我们提供木材、氧气、干净的水、好的天气和好的收成。破坏森林就 是破坏我们生存的地球家园。

  4. Pollution is an issue that crosses national boundaries.


  5. We have adopted effective measures to control water contamination in our area.


  6. New laws have been introduced to control air pollution in the city.


  7. Air pollution and noise pollution caused by automobiles do harm to our health.


  8. Accordingly/ Consequently, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that people are more and more aware of the importance of the protection of the environment.


  9. All animals and plants are important, because each species contributes to the variety of life forms on the Earth and plays an important role in maintaining life.

  所有动植物都是重要的,因为每一物种 都有助于地球上生命种类的多样性的形成,为维持生命起到了重要的作用。

  10.Loss of a single species brings the human race one step closer to extinction. Destroy these living friends and we are destroying ourselves.

  每一个物种的丧失都使得人类向灭绝迈进了一步。 毁灭了这些活生生的朋友们,我们就是在毁灭我们自己。

  11. One day, if all animals should disappear, the world we live in would come to an end. (此处是虚拟语气,表示与将来的事实相反的假设)有一天,如果所有的动物都消失了,我们赖以生存的世界也就结束了。

  12.Loss of a single species is very likely to destroy a whole food chain and affects others that rely on it.


  13. Predators such as wolves, sharks and lions keep the number of their prey in check through natural selection. Without them, the number of their prey would explode and disease would increase. (虚拟语气)


  14. The more wild animals we kill, the more debts we will pay in the future.


  15. Humans hunt animals, destroy their habitats, and introduce other animals that prey upon endangered animals or compete for their resources.


  16. Human development has robbed many unique and beautiful species of their habitats and put them at risk of extinction.

  人类的发展把他们生活环境中的许多独特而美丽的物种都掠夺走了,并且把它们 置于灭绝的危险中。

  17. Up to 45% of the Australian animals are in danger of dying out in the next 20 years. Many of the species are under threat because wild cats are hunting them.


  18. In today's world, many species become extinct or are threatened with extinction because of humans.在当今世界中,许多物种灭绝了或者因为人类而面临灭绝的危险。

